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Service Times

We are currently uploading services on Facebook, YouTube and on this website.

Time Service
Wednesday Midweek Holy Communion each week at 10am.
Sunday Weekly Services at 9am, 11am and 6pm.

We usually have a short Holy Communion service every Wednesday morning at 10am.

Family Service

The Family Service takes place on the third Sunday of each month and is a relaxed service for all people, young and old. The worship music is modern and there are sermons for children and for adults.

Family Services are usually followed by a Soup and Cheese Lunch in the Parish Centre - a great time of fellowship and an opportunity to make new friends. Back to the top

Morning Prayer

These more traditional services are held most Sundays at 11am and they take the form of prayers, Bible readings, hymns and a sermon.

They're followed by tea and biscuits in the Parish Centre next door - and everyone is welcome to join us! Back to the top

Service of the Word

The evening services on Sundays follow the same sort of format as Morning Prayer, but the language and music are more modern and relaxed.

Once a month we have a Praise Service with music by the praise band. Back to the top

Holy Communion Services

The main focus in Holy Communion services is the breaking of bread and sharing of wine, a symbolic ritual begun by Jesus at the Last Supper.

Those who wish to take part (and there's no pressure to do so) take turns to kneel at the front of the Church where they're given a piece of bread to eat and a drink of wine. Find out more about Holy Communion here.

The Communion services on Wednesday mornings and Sundays at 9am are quieter and more reflective in nature. They last about half an hour and contain a short Bible reflection. Back to the top

Page last updated by Peter on 21st October 2023 at 3:56 pm

Church of the Holy Spirit, 60 Manse Road, Mossley, Newtownabbey BT36 6XR

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